General terms and conditions of business
Cancellation of appointments
If you are unable to keep a scheduled appointment, we ask you to let us know at least 24 hours before the planned start of therapy. Cancellation can be made via email, telephone or by leaving a message on the answering machine. Appointments that are not canceled on time will result in a private charge of 70 ScSwissfrancs per half hour started. Costs for therapy sessions that are reserved but not used are not reimbursed by insurance companies.
Reimbursement of costs for therapy services
Our practice is recognized by all health and accident insurance companies for carrying out prescribed physiotherapeutic measures. However, insurance carriers do not cover the costs in all cases. We recommend that you clarify this with us in advance if you are unsure about how costs will be covered. Uncertainties can arise, for example, if more than four therapy cycles (9 sessions each) were completed for the same diagnosis. If no insurance covers the costs, the financial responsibility lies with the patient.
If an accident insurance company refuses to cover the costs of an accident, in most cases the health insurance company will take over.
Processing of physiotherapy costs
The company is counting The costs for physiotherapy services are settled directly with the insurance companies. If you have a copy of the RecIf you would like further information, please inform your treating therapist.
Invoicing for massages for self-payers/additionally insured EMR
The invoice for massage services is sent directly to the customer. The invoice is accompanied by a receipt for the reimbursement from the insurance company.